[Hibiscus Conditioner] Shima no Megumi

[Hibiscus Conditioner] Shima no Megumi

   (Anti Oxidant Solution mixed conditioner) 350ml (11.8fl oz)
You may be surprised to hear that you can wash your hair with the hibiscus plant; however, women who live in Amami Ohshima, Japan’s southernmost island, have been using hibiscus leaf extract to take of care their hair for centuries. The extract was useful as a natural moisturizing ingredient to protect scalp and hair, as well as cleanse gently without lather. They also used the extract in bath water as medicine for insect bites and minor injuries.

[Hibiscus conditioner Shima no Megumi] is a luxurious hair conditioner made with the extract from wild hibiscus leafs in Amami Ohshima and the Anti Oxidant Solution. Hair cuticles act as a natural protectant from harmful environments and is essential in retaining the health of your hair. UV rays, swimming in pools, perms, or even just growing long hair will tear hair cuticles and moisture from hair will be lost.
Without treatment, your hair will lose its glossiness, get split ends, and break off rapidly. Shima no Megumi hair conditioner penetrates into the damaged hair cortex (lumen) and supplies keratin and protein necessary to restore hair to its natural beauty.
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